Today Emily had her 2 month check up. She now weighs in at a whoping 9lbs 13oz and is 21.25 inches long. She's in the 20th percentile for weight and the 5th percentile for height. It looks like she really is going to be petite like her aunt Lori :) Emily is 100% healthy. The Pediatrician said she's right on track with her growth, she's eating the right amount, and we're lucky that we have a baby that sleeps through the night :) We already knew about that last one!!! Emily got 3 shots today. She did well. Cried for a couple minues afterward, but then was ok. When we got her home Emily and I were going to take a nap together. I had worked all of last night, got home at 6:30am, slept for an hour, and then got up for her appointment. I was beat. I fed Emily a bottle, and she went right to sleep. At 2pm she woke up screaming. It was heart breaking. I couldn't console her. We fed her a bottle, but that didn't stop it. It wasn't any of her usual cries, so I knew it was pain. I ran out and got some Infant Tylenol, which has really seemed to help!!! She's kicking back on the couch with mommy now and is happy as ever. We're so blessed to have a beautiful, healthy and happy baby girl. Life is good :)
At Advanced Pediatrics Associates for her 2 month checkup

Ready for the Doctor to come in

Right after we got home :(

Before Tylenol

After Tylenol

I LOVE Tylenol, lol

I'm happy again, and immunized ;)