Saturday, July 25, 2009

19 Weeks

On Wednesday the baby was 19 weeks! Here are some interesting facts about what he/she is doing now...

The baby is approximately 6-6.5 inches long and weighs in at 8.5-9 oz, over half a pound! It's about the size of a mango!

It seems this week is focused heavily on brain development! The brain is quickly developing motor neurons which means movements are becoming more voluntary and purposeful. The areas of the brain which will hold the baby's senses of taste, hearing, vision and touch are also forming.

Whether the baby is a boy or a girl, his or her own reproductive tract is now fully formed and ready to produce the next generation...though that better not be for at least another 20-30 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric and I are anxiously waiting for Thursday! Lori e-mailed to let us know her appointment is in the morning and that she'll be calling us right after! She said she'll be drinking her one allotted caffeinated beverage for the day in the morning in hopes it'll get the baby moving and give us a good shot! Lori seems to be doing well. Her morning sickness has almost completely subsided, but has had it's place taken by heartburn (...old wives tale...maybe the baby has a lot of hair??!! LOL). She says the baby is moving a lot, and kicks like crazy. The other night she was on the couch and the baby kicked so hard she saw her shirt move! I got an e-mail from her the other day asking, "Can you please tell your kid to stop kicking me!" HAHA. I love getting all of the updates from her. I'm traveling out to CA at the end of August for Patti's birthday and will get to see Lori while I'm there. I can't wait to see her, and hopefully feel my baby move for the first time!!

Lori sends me pictures of her growing bump so we can see how big the baby is getting. I love seeing the progression. Here are the pictures I've gotten so far.
a comic strip!

Eric and I will need to purchase our plane tickets soon so we can go out for the delivery. We'll need a ticket home from CA since we're driving there and leaving the car at Thanksgiving. The ticket to CA we'll almost definitely have to change the date we have to see what the policy is on that. Otherwise, we'll just have to purchase and go at the same time! We've never travelled with a I hope Champ does ok. He's smallish...but has such long legs that he won't fit into the size of kennel that is allowed in the cabin of the plane. He'll have to ride as checked luggage :( Luckily it's not a super long flight!

In other news, my best friend, Liz, gave birth to her daughter, Abigail, via c-section on Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 6:43pm here in Colorado. I was lucky enough to be her labor and delivery nurse. It was a surreal experience. I've been in over one hundred deliveries, but this one was special and I'm really happy I could be there for her. Abigail is a beautiful baby with a full head of black hair!! Mommy, daddy and baby are all doing great! I'm attaching a few pictures.

The Lin's first family photo. Cy, Liz and Abigail.

About to get her hair washed for the first time!!

Abby Sleeping

Eric holding Abigail (this one gets me even more excited about December! I can't wait to see him holding our baby!)

Me and Abigail

It has been an eventful and happy week! I'm more excited than ever for December to come (though we still have a lot to do). I can't wait to meet our little baby, and eventually see him or her playing with Abigail. There are a lot of fun times ahead!
