Sunday, November 8, 2009

34 Weeks

This week Emily can be as much as 19 inches long and weigh as much as 5 lbs. She's running out of room, but can still move around a little bit. Lori said her OBGYN noted that Emily is head down. At this point she'll stay head down, which is perfect for delivery. Her hair is continuing to grow, and her lungs are nearly fully mature. Only 38 more days until she's due!!

Eric and I completed our trip out to CA, and I'm actually writing this from Colorado again. It was a whirlwind trip. It seems like no sooner than we had arrived in California, we were boarding a plane back to Colorado. The trip out there was great though. It was so nice to see everyone. I am so blessed to have so many friends and family who came to my baby shower to celebrate Emily with me. I'm so happy that everyone got to see Lori and Richard. They are such amazing people and we'll never thank them enough for what they are doing for us! Emily received a lot of wonderful gifts, and I can't wait to dress her up in all of the cute little clothes she now has. Eric and I left most of her things in California so we have them available when we head back out for Emily's birth. I can't believe in less than three weeks Lori will be full term. It seems like time is passing exponentially faster as each day passes!! We had a great talk with Lori and Richard after the shower and discussed what everyone would like to see happen at the Hospital. We had talked about a lot of things, but it was nice to know that everyone was on the same page for what will happen on Emily's birthday. I'm starting to get worried that somehow Eric and I won't make it for her delivery (just being pessimistic) but we told Lori and Richard to let us know what was going on, and we'd change our flight plans if needed. She has an appointment tomorrow, and hopefully we'll know a little more then.

Well, I am beat. We were up early and after a very busy week I'm ready for bed. I'll post more pictures from our road trip and from the baby shower tomorrow.

Thank you again to everyone who was there with me, I can't tell you how much it means...and I can't wait for you all to meet our little girl :)