It's been a while since I last wrote here. Who knew you'd have so little time for a blog when you have a 5 month old in the house, hehe. Things are going very well. Emily turned 5 months old on April 30. Time has seriously flown by! She has developed so many new skills. She's really into playing with her toys now, and reaches for things. Of course, most things end up in the mouth. We still have yet to see Emily roll over, but we know she's done it because we find her flipped over in her crib! Emily had her 4 month check up on April 16, and she is now 12 lbs 4 oz and 23.5 inches long. She's right on track physically and developmentally. Recently we borrowed a jumparoo from Liz, Cy and Abby. Emily LOVES this thing. She just jumps and flings herself around. She's still a little too short to reach the ground, so we put a box underneath so she can stand. Here's a video of her playing in it, and some pictures of her enjoying jumparoo time.

Emily and I took a trip out to CA to see family. There were a lot of firsts on this trip: Emily's first airplane ride, her first time sitting on grass, her first time seeing the ocean, and her first time on the beach. She did great on the plane! She slept both ways. She wasn't too sure about the grass, but took a couple of hand fulls and tried to rip out Papa's lawn! I think she was fine with the ocean, but was not fond of the sand at all. I'm just happy none of it ended up in her mouth! It was great to see everyone, and I'm so happy we got to see almost all of the people we wanted to. We'll be back out in CA for Mark and Heather's wedding in June, and we can't wait!
Emily's first airplane ride (I was able to get some South West wings for her from the stewardess)

Playing with Uncle Richard. He baby sat, and did great!

Three Beautiful girls. Emily and her cousins Kylie and Amy.

They crack me up

Emily and Auntie Lala

I'm ready for the beach, Mom!

Emily playing in the walker at Mema and Papas (yes...she's drooling, lol)

Papa helping Emily sit up on the grass.

Aunt Patti and Emily

Roses for my Mom. We went to Monterey on her birthday to the same place where we scattered her ashes and threw her favorite flowers in for her. It was a beautiful and somber moment. Still hard to believe she's not here with us!

It was a beautiful day in Monterey, and the water was very clear!

Emily's first time in the sand. The look on her face says it all, haha!

Emily and Papa Cleek

Me and my beautiful daughter

Mema, Papa, Emily and me