We gave Emily rice cereal for the first time tonight. We had been putting a little bit in her bottles for the last couple days to give her a chance to get used to a little different flavor, but tonight we tried spoon feeding. We put Emily in her Bebe Pod up on the kitchen table and strapped her in. She did pretty well actually. Most of the rice cereal came right back out, but toward the end she started the get the whole chew and swallow thing down! She didn't fuss at all, and just sat there like a "big girl." The look on her face was hilarious most of the time, and we were sure to get plenty of pictures and a video. Here they are :)
What are you feeding me??!!
Seriously, this stuff is NOT good!
Hmm, maybe I'll give it a chance
Nope...still not good!
Messy baby :)
All cleaned up and playing with the mat on her Bebe Pod

Emily is also starting to get much better at sitting up. She still needs the Boppy around her for support, but she's getting the hang of it! Also, I finally SAW Emily roll over from tummy to back on Monday the 10th. She's been rolling over for a little over a month, but always in her crib at night and we hadn't seen it yet. I was very excited, lol. My little girl is really growing up! :)
All Smiles and playing with her toys

This is one of her favorite toys
Look at me, I'm almost sitting up on my own!
Now how do I get this back into my mouth???
I am Berry Cute!
Already learning the YMCA dance
No more pictures please!
Just this week I figured out I can grab my ankles. It's my little way of helping mommy and daddy when they change my diaper!

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