Everything is going great here. Emily is growing like a weed! At her last appointment on June 21 she was 15 lbs and 25 inches long! She is doing great with baby food and her favorites are sweet potatoes and green beans! Since it has been so hot here in Aurora, I got Emily a baby pool the other day and also, and she seems to love it. Here are some pictures of Emily in her new pool and out, and of our new floors.
Emily in her new pool for the first time
95 in Aurora, CO

Emily hanging out in the family room
all smiles
Hanging out in her jammies


I LOVE the new carpet!

Happy Baby
She still loves her Boppy
Such a morning person!

Kitchen After
Kitchen Before
Family room after
Family room before
New carpet and laminate floors
Entrance way after
Entrance way before
Living room after
Living room before

Emily hanging out in the family room
Kitchen After
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