Monday, January 11, 2010

6 Weeks Old

Our sweet little Emily is 6 weeks old today! We think she's going through a growth spurt because instead of taking 3 oz every 4 hours, she's wanting to eat more often. She's awake and alert a lot more during the day, and is really focusing on our faces now. She's starting to smile at us, though not quite on que. It's amazing the silly sounds and faces you will make trying to elicit one beautiful little smile from your baby!!! I was looking through my pictures today, I finally separated them out by age, and I'm amazed at how much Emily has changed since she first entered our lives. She continues to grow cuter and cuter every day!!!

My Sweet Emily, 6 Weeks OldStill has tons of hair :)
She's starting to hold her head up more!

Smiling Baby

Emily's Serious Face