Saturday, September 26, 2009

28 Weeks

Welcome to the third trimester!!! This week fetal development is focused on continuing brain development. The brain is starting to develop it's distinctive wrinkles. Emily's hair is continuing to grow, however the lanugo that started forming around 15 weeks of pregnancy is now starting to shed and will be mostly gone by the time she is born. Emily is now about 16 inches long and weighs around 2.5lbs.

We finally got a hold of our lawyer and will be meeting with him on Wednesday to go over the paperwork. On Monday or Tuesday Eric and I will be heading to Denver to be fingerprinted for our background checks. We're definitely behind, I think, when it comes to the legal stuff, but I'm trying to stay positive and hope that things will move quickly and be complete when Emily arrives.

Just 81 days to go until we get to meet our little girl!!!