Sunday, November 29, 2009

37 Weeks

FULL TERM!!!! I'm writing this from CA :) Eric and I flew out here on Tuesday after Lori had spent the night in the hospital in early labor. They ended up sending her home when she was 3cm dilated! She's continued to contract, but not quite regularly enough to warrant another trip back to L&D yet. We've had fun trying to self induce labor...We've tried walking, mineral oil, and most recently the Prego Pizza from Skipolini's Pizza in Walnut Creek. I'm used to having more success with this...but of course I usually have pitocin at my disposal, lol. Lori has been a real trooper and I hope she's able to have Emily soon so she can relax and stop having contractions and back pain!!! Obviously for more selfish reasons, I'd love for her to deliver so I can meet my daughter. :)

Prego Pizza

We are totally ready now. We bought our travel system so we now have a stroller and car seat. We bought Lori her breast pump. Not only is she making us parents, but she's offered to give us breast milk for Emily. Seriously...she's the most amazing person EVER! She seems to think we're somehow doing her and Rich a favor...but I definitely see it the other way around!

Our trip out here wasn't planned until Dec. 9, but it feels good to be here. I'm no longer 1200 miles away worrying if I'll make it to my baby's birth. I've been able to spend time with Mema and Papa. They are teaching us to play penuckle. It's a little confusing...but I'm starting to catch on. Papa has been my partner in the two games we've played, and it seems that even though I have a 75% chance of picking the right trump with him...I pick whatever suit he inevitably has 3 cards in! It's a lot of fun playing though! It was nice to spend Thanksgiving with family. Originally we were going to have ham and baked potatoes, but we were happily surprised to have Lori, Rich and the girls come and it turned into a full on Thanksgiving dinner. Rich fried the turkey and it was delicious! We had all the fixings and spent a wonderful day together as family.

So, right now we wait. No hurry though, every day Emily is inside she grows a little bigger and stronger. We know that no matter what she's coming out eventually. Lori has another appointment on Monday, and I'll be going with her. I'm excited to meet her OB and to see how Emily is doing.

Hopefully I'll have more to update soon!