Wednesday, July 29, 2009

20 Weeks...Half Way There!!!!

We're at the half way point! Tomorrow is the big day when we find out if we're having a son or a daughter. I really don't care either way. Right now, the only thing about having a girl is the abundance of frilly dresses and cute clothes, but they've come a long way in the boy's department too. Either way...I hope to be hitting Babies R Us tomorrow for a little shopping :)

Here are some interesting facts about baby at 20 weeks:

The baby is about 7 in (crown to rump) and 10 inches head to toe! Weight comes in around 10.5 oz. The baby is about the size of a cantaloupe!! This week the heart is growing stronger and may be heard from the outside by a stethoscope (I think I'll bring mine to CA with me next month!). The baby's immune system is beginning to form as maternal antibodies are transferred to the baby through the placenta. The senses are continuing to strengthen as the baby prepares for life outside of the womb.

Eric and I finally finished the baby's dresser. I'm attaching some pictures so you can see the before and after. I think it turned out really cute and will work perfectly in the nursery!

I'll post again tomorrow, hopefully to let you all know the sex of the baby :) Keep your fingers crossed that he/she cooperates! :)


Before (when the dresser was in our room)


A fresh coat of paint and some knobs and it looks like new :)